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加脆底  蛋糕限定

比利時朱古力脆脆底增加蛋糕口感和層次美味倍增,一試難忘#誠意推介#加脆底📣扑爆蛋糕如加脆底 會變脆面📣扑爆蛋糕如加脆底 會變脆面📣扑爆蛋糕如加脆底 會變脆面

訂購蛋糕8吋或以上 請加購這產品 2件

加脆底 蛋糕限定


    remember. have to. since. prepare.
    purchase. thing. bag!

    From December 31, 2022,

    All products in this store will not actively attach insulation bags/plastic bags​
    If necessary, you can buy thermal bags at our store for $15/piece​ or plastic bags with a levy of $1/piece